Sorry this entry is so long, I've waited too long to write! Feel free to just look at pictures if the text becomes overwhelming. Hopefully these descriptions give you ideas to plan your own trip to Italy. Move over Rick Steves, here I come! hehe.
Paestum: connecting to ancient peoples
This city was a suprise to me! I had never really heard of Paestum before, which is incredible considering the content of the site. The entire complex, probably....maybe the size of the KSU campus perhaps...was filled with the entire bottom half of an ancient city from around 500 A.D.!! There are still beautiful mosaics inside the floors of houses, columns with inscriptions, doorways, and three gigantic temples! (Sorry for all the exclamation points, everything is so amazing, periods just don't seem to be doing it justice). The day we were in Paestum was gorgeous as well, the sky was blue with huge puffy clouds and the suns rays would stream through them. Plus it had rained the day before maybe so everything was lucious and green. It was hard to believe that I was walking on the floors of someones home that lived not hundreds, but over a THOUSAND years ago! The fact that they could build such impressive spaces, especially such tall and monumental temples, just blows my mind! Paestum really brought these people to life for me.
Mosaic on the floor of an ancient Paestum house
A view of the city of Paestum and the ruins
Pompeii: one day that changed their lives forever
Streets of Pompeii. Notice the large stones in the bottom right. These are stepping stones that lead across the road. Why? Because, in order to clean the roads, the Pompeiians would flood the street. In order to cross at these times, they stepping stones were used. It is amazing, because in between these stones, you can see the indents made bye the wheels of the wagons used to transport through the city. If you look , you can see them in this picture as well.
This is a set of stairs inside one of the hosues in Pompei. I included this to show how intact the spaces are.
Almafi: is this the meaning of beauty?
A group of us on the beach
The duomo of Almafi
Movie of the restaurant
Capri: tropical paradise
View of part of the hike
Naples: hmm...
So I will not put much of Naples, because honestly, Naples did not live up to my expectations. I hear that the people are wonderful, but the city was run down and covered in graffiti. I didn't even get pizza...but its all good, there is so much pizza in Italy!
Sunday: a spiritual pick-me-up
Last, but not least, I would like to update on my church experience here in Italy. Actually, Sundays are probably my favorite days. The Urban family, a local family, is so sweet; they travel to pick me up and drive me to church. This Sunday, they brought along their 23 year old daughter who came home from Utah. She goes to a school in Utah, and has not been back to Italy for a long time. She speaks English first and foremost, and has no accent, but also speaks Italian fluently. Anyway, she was soooo sweet and I loved meeting her and spending time with the family again. Since I have not discussed this much yet, I will debrief you on Brother and Sister Urban:
Sister Urban is a nice woman, probably in her early 50's, and she is Italian. Her English is very good, but she does have a very noticable Italian accent, which really makes her all the more cute, hehe. Brother Urban is an American man (now Italian by location), and he is so sweet. He is so full of smart/funny comments and jokes, he always makes me smile. They treat me just like a daughter, the Urbans, and I feels so at ease. "Are you sure your not Italian, you get along so well with us," Sister Urban said to me, which made me so happy, I felt so loved!
At church, I am getting to know the members. In the past, I have had people translate for me (one man who translates for me, Emmanuele, reminds me of the guy from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," he and his family are awesome!) during the meetings, but I feel bad because the translation disrupts people around us. Consequently, I decided to forgo the translators today and just feel the spirit of the service. Usually, I can get the main gist of the conversation based on words I know and the scriptures we read, and the spirit is very powerful.
The Urban's daughter, Narina, and I during our Sunday outing
Anyway, during the meetings, I've met a few people. Paolo is the institute director, and he is wonderful! He always calls to make sure I have the opportunity to attend institute and sets up transportation for me and everything. This Thursday I will finally be able to attend! Marco is an architect who is one of the people in the I Am a Mormon ads. Him and his family are also great people, and, who knew, he is a beekeeper! I also I met a girl, about my age, who is getting baptized on the 10th. She is from the Czec Republic studying languages in Perugia, so her English is good enough that we can communicate and I absolutely love her! I told her that I would go to her baptism, and she gave me a huge hug and was so happy! I immediately wanted to be her friend since she was so kind to me. Her name is Margharita. There are so many more wonderful people, I could go on forever, but I will move on for now.
Speaking of kindness, its funny how happy any kind of interaction at church can make me. The Relief Society president asked me, in Italian, to go get five hymnbooks (cinque libro) to bring upstairs, and I was just so happy that I understood her and that she had enough faith in me to ask this of me, that I was probably over excited to complete the task hehe. Another lady decided to tell me a story from her experiences that week (she did this in English), and she just talked to me so easily, I was thrilled to be let into her life. Italians are very touchy feely too, so she did the common thing of kissing both of my cheeks when she said goodbye afterwards, as do all the Italians once they are comfortable with you. All the Italians put their arms around each other, hug each other, rub each other's arms to express support, etc, even to me right off the bat. We stopped at some friends of the Urban's on the way home and they overwhelmed me with hugs and putting their arms around me, and inviting me to dinner, they are all just so friendly! Meeting them and going to church renews my desire to really learn Italian, since I want to badly to return the sentiment with more than gestures and just a few words. I hope I follow through.
Then after that visit, the Urbans took me to see another town in Italy which had such beautiful old world charm. We drove through the mountainside and viewed the valley below, from which we could even see where part of the movie "The Gladiator" was filmed. I really enjoy these trips through Italy with the Urbans.
Anyway, so overall, this trip was incredible. Italy never ceases to amaze me with the sights, smells, stones, and so many experiences. I am thankful to be experiencing a whole new lifestyle from my own, and I hope that I can take from these places and experiences some lessons that will influence me forever.